| Telephone: 0116 3666 446 | elmp.c82063@nhs.net

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131 uppingham road | Telephone: 01164780893 | www.elmp.c82063@nhs.net

Self Referrals

Mental health adults:

NHS Mental Health (VitaMinds ): 03300945595 or visit: www.vitahealthgroup.co.uk/make-a-referral

Urgent Mental Health for help and support 24/7: 08088003302 or visit www.leicspart.nhs.uk

Leicester City crisis cafe: 0808 800 3302 or visit: www.leicspart.nhs.uk

Mental Health  – Children and young adults up to 18 yrs

Leicester CHAMs further info link and referral: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) – Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (leicspart.nhs.uk)

Healthy Together is for children of all ages ( 0-19 years ) for all confidential help and advice – link  Healthy Together 0-19 (Health Visiting and School Nursing) | Leicestershire Healthy Schools (leicestershirehealthytots.org.uk)

There is a national charity called YOUNG MINDS, and they have free messenger service for access in an urgent situation, Link: https://youngminds.org.uk/


You can self refer to Musculosketal Therapy (MSK) by calling us on 0300 300 0046.   It helps speed up your registration if you have your NHS Number available.   If you do not have your NHS Number you can use this NHS online service to locate it.


Please visit the link below for the online self referral form for a podiatry assessment


Smoking Cessation

Want to Stop Smoking : Get help to Quit Smoking by calling 0345 646 66 66 or visit https://www.quitready.co.uk/

Weight Management Service

The Weight Management Service offers a 12 week programme including the following –

  • How to change your eating habits to be healthier and reach a healthy weight
  • Effective physical activity for weight loss and health
  • What is a healthy weight or BMI
  • Keeping a lifestyle diary

Please visit the website below to complete the online self referral form


Opening Times

  • Monday
    07:30am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    07:30am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    07:30am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    07:30am to 08:00pm
  • Friday
    07:30am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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